E hoa mā, e kā uri whakatipu i muri nei, koi pēnei koutou. Atawhaitia kā oraka mai o ētahi kāika, whakaputa mai ana ki a koutou, koi pēnei ki a koutou. Ahakoa pākehātia koutou, kia rakatira te whakahaere mā koutou.
The pepeha, or introduction, inscribed at the entrance to Te Pae Christchurch, was gifted by Ngāi Tahu.
Told by Kaiapoi elder, Natanahira Waruwarutu before his death in 1895, the pepeha is a message to his descendants that “the measure of ‘rangatira’ is their capacity to show kindness and charity to one another.”
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